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why dice Europe?
The intention of DICE is to Foster collaboration and work together on the adoption of a dignified digital identity between governments, citizens, and companies across Europe.
unConferences are particularly generative, with a facilitator we will co-create the agenda live each day of the event. There are no keynotes or panels, it’s all about exploring the topic with professional peers from a range of identity areas. Click here to learn more.
There are many reasons that secure identity systems are needed for connecting to others, tracking trade, supporting labor markets, and crossing borders. Significant investments have been made into the development of interoperable standards, protocols, systems application layers, conceptual use cases, and more.

What critical Ecosystem success factors would you like to discuss with peers at DICE Ecosystems in March 2025?
- Interoperability and organization identity
Ecosystem scaling, maximum impact cross-ecosystem credentials - Business cases which work for all parties involved
- Trust lists for both issuers and verifiers Legal entity wallets Blue Pages Digital product passports
- Single country initiatives in the context of regional cooperation.
- ARF, updates on Swiss and EU wallets
- Education & research. Providing the digital identity for higher education. How to fuse ID with research?
- Large scale adoption of decentralized identity in real life applications.
- enrollment of organisational wallets, secure peppol
- Global interop, relying party adoption and plugfest events.
- Interoperability - our company operates in the EU, UK and Australasia, including Japan. Our focus is in developing cross-border ecosystems.
- Sustainable prioritization in national government politics - Indications for commitments for sufficient resources to not just provide availability but user pro-actively driving user adoption beyond time-bombed financing of use cases in digital identity government initiatives
- Winning the UX challenge – at first use case hurdle: Alternative remote ID options remaining might prevent users from activating Digital IDs – as experienced in several use cases in Germany
- Joint understanding of gaps to be solved in details on service provisioning based on implementing acts
- NIS 2 effects: Compliance: double audit for trust service providers? & De-harmonization via backdoor?
- Establishment level of playing field and stability of business cases for private actors
- Gaps in clarity in accreditation process for conformity assessments for wallet providers and new trust services
- Single country initiatives in the context of regional cooperation.
- Interoperability - our company operates in the EU, UK and Australasia, including Japan. Our focus is in developing cross-border ecosystems.
- ARF, updates on Swiss and EU wallets
- Identity Validation
- Delegation of Trust (different Trust Frameworks)
- The (then) current state of wallet security and features
- User Adoption from a user-centered point of view (and not company-speaking-in-the-name-of-there-customers-centered one)
- Interoperability and privacy-preserving standards.
- Interoperability and organization identity
Governance and Adoption of SSI by the private sector - Global interoperability, share own success stories.
- ARF, updates on Swiss and EU wallets
Adoption of vLEI and KERI to facilitate the next generation token economy. - Digital health
- opportunities for the creative industries
- KERI, blockchain, and enterprise adoption
- Security of identity systems, VLEI, KERI, ACDCs
What are you hoping to learn at DICE Ecosystems in March 2025?
- regulatory updates and adoption
- New ecosystems
- Relevant use cases for different ecosystems
- Customer needs, what can we do for them? Notably in health (insurance, government, clinics, pharma/medtech, trade associations)
- New insights in the upcoming standards
Swiss initiatives in the EU context. - Insights in other sectors. Networking.
- New developments of sovereign use cases, protocols, initiatives.
- Discuss the state of art regarding organisational wallet ecosystems
- Networking and latest spec/interop development.
- Very interested to learn about any production and/or cross-border use cases that have been implemented, and to understand why they are/were successful
- Identifying the state of play and outlook for regulatory and technical standards in the EU/EEA, Switzerland, UK and beyond - learning and mapping key differences in approaches. For this exercise, I could offer a session in which I present my research on the subject so far (as also rarely shared on LinkedIn) and work together on an increasingly detailed version of milestones / tipping points in the next 3 years.
- Swiss initiatives in the EU context.
- Where there are opportunities to develop additional eco-system capabilities, especially for back office, network onboarding and interoperability
- E-ID
- Discussing more customer needs
- Learning about latest developments and ideas from the industry players
- Getting new insights from the techies
- Connecting with new people interested in the manifold topics of SSI and mutually inspire each other for the next steps
- How to overcome barriers to standardization and drive global interoperability.
regulatory updates and adoption - Status of development internationally.
- Solutions that work.
- Other success stories, open challenges.
- Anything.
- Swiss E-ID trust infrastructure public beta
- Identify key technical partners and potential solution providers
- How VID and infrastructure can be positioned/incentivised for business adoption and real-world use-case.
- About progress toward SSI, avoidance of embedded surveillance
What are the key friction points we must discuss and address, preventing large-scale adoption of verifiable credentials in key industries, and how can we jointly address them?
- Educational outreach and more focus on business cases and value, we need to open up the discussion to external stakeholders and get them involved in the conversations.
- Reaching a very high number of natural person users to achieve a network effect
interoperability between ecosystems - Convenience, reliability, simplicity
- How do we increase trust of users in this technology.
- Succession of decades-long innovation cycle.
- Can we get adoption for actual SSI, or will it end up as a new interaction pattern on federated identity.
- interoperability of wallets, credential formats, data scheme & taxonomy
- Focus on more relying party examples.
- Interoperability is a key factor to network and ecosystem development. Common standards and approaches have the best chance to drive adoption and scale, along with enabling networks to cross borders and support a diverse range of use cases. Very interested in how trust is established and can be verified across borders.
- Here's a quick initial high-level take
- 🤔 Certified Wallets: The trust services community highlights ambiguities surrounding the definition of "electronic identification schemes" under which wallets operate. They stress the need for clarity on multi-scheme certifications and urge the establishment of harmonized liability frameworks to prevent inconsistencies and strengthen trust in cross-border operations.
- 🤔 Security Breaches: Aligning the assessment of security breaches with the EU's NIS 2 directive would ensure consistency. Otherwise there is a risk of disproportionate responses, such as withdrawing wallet solutions for minor availability issues, and recommend scalable measures proportional to the severity of breaches.
- 🤔 Role of Private EAA Issuers: The drafts of implementing acts display a lack of recognition for private issuers of QEAA. Incorporating private-sector issuers with clearly defined certification requirements and transparent pricing mechanisms will enhance ecosystem inclusivity while maintaining high standards.
- 🤔 Direct Access to Authentic Sources: The mandate for direct access to authentic sources for attribute verification is questioned. Suggestion: Relying on issuer-driven verification processes to ensure flexibility, interoperability, and trust without unnecessary burdens on the system.
- 🤔 Registration of Relying Parties: Mandatory registration certificates for wallet-relying parties is important to bolster trust and interoperability in the EUDIW ecosystem. Potential solution: Adopting Qualified Website Authentication Certificates (QWACs) for identifying entities and propose dynamic attribute management mechanisms to ensure compliance with GDPR and adaptability to evolving needs. Additionally, the open access to the Relying Parties register raises security concerns, with calls for implementing secure, authenticated access protocols.
- Succession of decades-long innovation cycle.
- Interoperability is a key factor to network and ecosystem development. Common standards and approaches have the best chance to drive adoption and scale, along with enabling networks to cross borders and support a diverse range of use cases including travel, health, financial, employment and education.
- Enforcements of Digital IDs
- "I think at the moment - i.e., in this comparable with other technologies still early stage - many discussions are already often too money-driven instead of focused on the non-monetary values for prospect customers. At least balancing this both sides could be beneficial for boosting for example interoperability and in general new or adapted ideas.
- There could for example be session that focus on discussing opportunities and developments without considering monetary constraints (and gains) and the corresponding results then be infused into the ""business cases"" in follow up discussions. Just one thought."
- Competing standards undermine adoption—solved by unifying efforts and prioritizing interoperability.
- Educational outreach and more focus on business cases and value, we need to open up the discussion to external stakeholders and get them involved in the conversations.
- Governance and Adoption of SSI by the private sector. In more detail, how do we implement a trust layer both technically and organizationally? How do we achieve internationally exchangeable credential formats?
- Disruption to existing identity and data strategies. How to successfully apply this tech in horizon 1 2 3 scenarios.
- Ambient resolution.
- Awareness and education of key decision makers, starting with showcases as soon as practical
- Technical Infrastructure Complexity
- incentives, education, ecosystems, and interoperability
- Security limitations; mDL, eIDAS, and systems that enable surveillance
What immediate steps do we need to discuss as a community in March, to guide meaningful progress until the next event in September 2025?
- Opening up sandbox and interoperability opportunities
- Launching ecosystem projects
- Commercially successful showcases (PoC of what can be done is good but not enough);
- Create a roadmap of all open issues and make specs final for all items that don't have open issues.
- Government ID and roles of sectors
- interop test automation of some dedicated use-cases, e.g. machine to machine verification of credentials
- Agree on interop profile(s), implentation in range of (sandbox) use cases and showcase at plugfest events.
- Use case - work backwards from customer/citizen value and map the missing parts required to make ecosystems function from a technical, legal and commercial perspective - with attention to anchoring trust.
- Identify per friction points who, first and foremost, need to be motivated as a person to engage and gain trust in digital identity initiatives (e.g. in accelerating a political career without fear of coming out of it with a damaged reputation - as has been the case with some blockchain projects in the past in Germany that we have seen fail because of a premature political push to go live). and empowering these people to become highly motivated activists and giving them what they need - sustainable connections to like-minded people and information to become drivers of change initiatives.
- Use case - work backwards from customer/citizen value and map the missing parts required to make ecosystems function from a technical, legal and commercial perspective.
- Interoperability between Trust Ecosystems (e.g. on a country but also on an industry level)
- Facilitate consensus on standards, align stakeholders, and create practical interoperability frameworks.
- Opening up sandbox and interoperability opportunities
- Security aspects of wallets and credentials on end user devices. Go past identity, to portable data and standard for interoperability.
- Outreach to key decision makers through commonly agreed manifesto
- How we can collaborate to drive adoption but also discuss realities of varying security and privacy offered by the different protocols.
- Security and privacy shortfalls of implementations